Workshops and Other Learning Activities


Leadership: The Agile Leader Series.


Two Day Agile Leader Change Lab (Changewise*). Bring a current leadership project to the Lab, choose to engage it at a agility level greater than your current one, and advance your initiative through personal planning and group consultation applying the four agility competencies. Learn how to optimize your natural power of "reflective action" to put yourself on a sustainable path of leadership growth. This program facilitates vertical development**. A brief outline appears below.

Nine Month Developmental Agile Leader Program. Thisprogram is designed to catalyze a developmental breakthrough for leader participants. It combines 360 assessment, coaching, workshops and group work in producing a customized journey for each participant. The journey builds relationships, skills, and a heightened leadership outlook as leaders advance both personal leadership goals and their work initiatives. It is built on the principles of vertical development.** A basic outline appears below.


Additional Learning Activities.

Customized workshops can be tailored for your needs. Review the 'Nine Month Developmental Agile Leader Program' to see some topical areas but actual designs and content can be built through as we discuss your particular needs and hopes.


Workshop Outlines


Two Day Agile Leader Change Lab* Outline

The Power of Agile Leadership
Gauging Your Leadership Agility
Advancing Your Leadership Project by Applying the Four Agility Competencies
Operating in the Three Leadership Arenas
Sustaining Your Progress: Resilience, Reflective Action and Action Planning


Nine Month Developmental Agile Leader Program

Basic Outline. Imagine as you review this a leader on a 9 month personalized journey. He or she is applying learning daily, focusing on a specific action learning project on which he or she is getting regular peer consultation, receiving regular personal coaching, and coming together in interactive workshops to review his or her leadership practice fundamentals and take them to a next level, all the while building trusted working relationship with a roomful of peers. She or he will depart from that program a different leader with a trusted network and a method for staying on the leadership path for life.


Phase 1

360 Assessment
Introductory Coaching Meeting
Leadership Agility: Foundations of Agile Leadership
Inner Leadership: Initiative, Personality Style
Outer Leadership: Meeting Management, Listening and Coaching
Leadership Arena: Pivotal Conversations
Tools for Personal Change: Practices
Action Learning Groups Formation and Kickoff

Phase 2

Coaching Conversation
Leadership Agility: Context Setting and Stakeholder Agility
Inner Leadership: Reflective Action, Emotional Intelligence
Outer Leadership: Positive Politics, Ethics and Negotiation
Leadership Arena: Leading Organizational Change
Tools for Personal Change: Goal Setting, Creating a Personal Vision
Action Learning Group Work

Phase 3

Coaching Conversation
Leadership Agility: Creative Agility and Self-Leadership Agility
Inner Leadership: Resilience, Conflict Style
Outer Leadership: Positive Politics and Negotiation
Leadership Arena: Leading Teams
Tools for Personal Change: Time Management
Action Learning Group Work

Phase 4

Coaching Conversation
Leadership Agility: Developing Agility in Others
Inner Leadership: Attentional Training
Outer Leadership: Time and Life Management
Leadership Arena: Looking Across the Three Arenas: Pivotal Conversations, Leading Teams and Leading Organizational Change
Tools for Personal Change: Styles and Tactics for Meeting and Managing Personal Change
Action Learning Group Work


Phase 5

Coaching Conversation
Leadership Agility: Integration of the Agility Compass
Inner Leadership: Somatics
Outer Leadership: Organizational Change Strategies
Leadership Arena: Pivotal Conversations
Tools for Personal Change: Career Development
Action Learning Group Work



*The Agile Leader Lab was developed and is owned by Changewise, a Leadership Development Consultancy one of whose principals, Bill Joiner, is co-author of the groundbreaking leadership book "Leadership Agility"; his co-author is Stephen Josephs. I am a certified facilitator of this program. Agile leadership forms the foundation of all my coaching and consulting work.

**Vertical development refers to the increasing mental and emotional abilities that may become accessible to us if we continue to develop during adulthood. The strong supports and inner drives that most children enjoy keep the process of child development going but in adulthood that growth becomes contingent on our interest and the opportunities and challenges that we meet. At any given age you will find a roomful of leaders at various of five leadership stages. It is learning from relevant challenges in life and work that leads leaders to develop to these greater levels of mental complexity whereby they can handle the complicated challenges of leadership today.